Altenew Colorpalooza 2024 entry

Hello there crafty friends,

This post will be super emotional and happy for me. The words will feel short to write, maybe to the most of you it might be something very simple and everyday post, but to me, it is the most special blog post I have ever written here or anywhere to publish the art.

This post belongs to my little one, who is just 2.5 yr old. He made me so proud during his summer break, when he did little coloring on some pages mumma printed for him. 

Thanks to Altenew for always hosting the colorpalooza challenge every year for the young talents and encouraging them to have fun and sharing their art with everyone. Every single year since they have started the colorpalooza challenge, I have wanted to participate with my little buddy, but ofcourse he was too young to hold the pens untill now. So, I had to jump on this opportunity and share his art with everyone.

Here is his creation:

I know it's just scribbling here and there, but it's all his creation, his color choices and his way of doing art and observing things around him. This is more than enough to make me happy, excited and emotinal at the same time. :)

This year's colorpalooza challenge by altenew(details):

Thanks altenew once again for hsoting this challenge and letting those young minds have fun.


A Proud mom :)

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